Midwest Indiana Outdoor
Wood Furnace
Sales * Service * Installation
An Authorized Central Boiler Dealer


Classic Edge Titanium HDX Features
Similar to the Titanium HD
- The patented vertical Easy View” Heat Exchanger with hinged door provides full access without the use of tools
- Super-heated gases enter the round chamber of the Afterburner and swirl in a turbulent vortex, creating a fireball and allowing enough time for complete combustion to occur.
- Turbulators in the heat exchanger cause turbulence of the exhaust gas flow through the exchanger. This forces the heated exhaust to better contact the heat exchanger and transfer more of its energy to the surrounding water jacket before exiting out the chimney.
- The patented Air Charge Tube keeps coals from falling into the Reaction Chamber and directs oxygen into the Fusion Combustor. It also helps the furnace to relight faster
- When the fire needs a lot of air (such as during startup or when burning higher moisture wood), FireStar instructs the stepper motors to open the air regulating discs precisely to deliver the amount of air needed.
- Titanium-enhanced stainless steel firebox is impervious to corrosion from high-moisture wood, creosote or condensation. In fact, we have never seen corrosion inside any stainless steel firebox over the past 19 years
Classic Edge Titanium HD Features
A. Easy Installation
Every Classic Edge model is designed with a skid base framework to make installation easy with or without a cement foundation. Simply set the furnace in place, connect the piping and heat exchangers to your existing heating system, and the Classic Edge is ready to go to work
B. Designed for Endurance
Low-voltage, zero-maintenance stepper motors control air flow efficiently and use less power. With a simple design, they are more robust and never need adjustment or replacement due to wear.
C. Lower Emissions
The patented Air Charge Tube adds air in all the right places to aid in combustion and keeps the coals from falling through into the lower Reaction Chamber. Extreme temperatures in the Fusion Combustor re-burn the exhaust gases from the upper firebox.
D. Higher Efficiency
Final combustion takes place as these gases move downward through the Fusion Combustor to the Reaction Chamber where extremely high temperatures aid in complete combustion. This entire process results in high efficiency and extremely low emissions.
E. Burn Less Wood
A hallmark of Central Boiler furnaces for over 30 years, spray-on urethane is the ultimate airtight, waterproof insulation that locks the heat in to reduce wood usage, even at temperatures of-35°F or colder. It effectively covers all surfaces, prevents condensation, maintains its high R-value, and won’t settle or compress over time.
F. Less Maintenance
Hinged door allows external access to the Easy View” Heat Exchanger for easy ash removal and inspections.
G. Ultimate Control

Classic Model Features
1. Vent Cap design eliminates evaporation.
2. High Capacity Water Jacket
Receives multiple tests to ensure welding integrity. Certified high quality steel used - no mixed metals.
3. Ripple Top Design
For increased heat transfer area and lower maintenance.
4. Large, Insulated Cast-Iron Door
Ergonomically designed with a large door for easy loading. Door is insulated for maximum efficiency. Door parts are powder coated for increased paint durability.
5. Automatic Draft Control thermostatically controls water temperature in system.
6. Skid Base Framework makes installation easy with or without cement foundation. Only the CL 7260 and Pallet Burner require a slab.

Classic Model Outdoor Wood Furnace cutaway
7. Welded Steel Framework
Heavy-gauge framework engineered for enhanced strength of side panels and roof.
8. Insulated Chimney
The chimney is a type HT listed factory-built chimney for wood burning appliances. Two 4-foot chimney sections standard.
9. Rear Exhaust Outlet increases efficiency. Eliminates leaks and corrosion that competitors experience from chimneys that exit through the roof. Designed for easy inspection. Reduces heat loss by over 50%.
10. Water-Filled HeatLock Baffle™ creates a secondary combustion area. Traps heat in firebox - will not warp or burn out with extreme heat.
11.Urethane Foam Insulation is sprayed on and forms a 100% airtight seal around the water jacket.
12. Rectangular Firebox engineered with stay pins- will not collapse like round designs can.
13. Ash Pan: 3/8" thick, formed ash pan is durable and easy to clean.
- Fan Draft option available for all models.
- A dual fuel ready option is also available which allows the furnace to be fitted with a fuel oil, natural gas, or propane burner.